

Transform your email experience with SkimAI, the AI-powered email management system crafted for today’s busy professionals. SkimAI streamlines your email workflow through intelligent sorting, labeling, and drafting, harnessing the power of AI to save you hours every week.

With its smart labels, you can organize your inbox just once and let it categorize emails automatically based on your personal preferences, ensuring that important messages always get the attention they deserve. Moreover, its AI-driven system can draft responses for you, allowing for quick review, edits, and sending, all while operating discretely in the background.

SkimAI boasts seamless integration with a variety of popular email and productivity services like Gmail, Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCloud Mail. Try SkimAI for free now and rediscover focus, efficiency, and productivity.

Top Features:
  1. Smart Email Categorization: Automatically sorts emails with smart labels for priority-based organization.

  2. AI-Crafted Drafts: Provides ready-to-send drafts tailored to your email conversations.

  3. Time-Saving: Saves time with quick response drafting and one-time setup for automatic features.

  4. Seamless Integration: Compatible with popular services like Gmail, Outlook, and more.

  5. User-Focused Design: Constantly evolving with user needs for a personalized experience.


1) What is SkimAI and how does it save time?

SkimAI uses AI to draft, sort and label emails, saving up to 4 hours each week for users.

2) Do I need to organize my emails manually with SkimAI?

You can set your preferences once for smart labels, and the system will continue to organize your emails automatically.

3) How does SkimAI's AI-crafted draft system work?

AI drafts responses based on your previous communication, which you can review, edit, and send.

4) Which email and productivity services does SkimAI integrate with?

SkimAI supports Gmail, Google Calendar, Outlook, iCloud Mail, and is open to adding more services.

5) How can I try SkimAI for free?

You can try SkimAI for free by visiting their website and opting for a free trial.




Email Management
Productivity Tool
AI Assistant
Smart Email Sorting
Efficient Communication

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