

ScrumDesk is a comprehensive online project management tool designed specifically for agile teams, leveraging Scrum and Kanban methodologies to streamline the development process. It caters to various team roles—including senior management, product owners, development teams, and Scrum Masters—by offering functionalities like Objectives & Key Results (OKR) management, product backlogs, visual roadmaps, and user story mapping.

ScrumDesk supports agile best practices with features for sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, retrospectives, and root cause analysis. It stands out with its emphasis on continuous improvement, impediment management, and a suite of reporting and prediction tools to refine the Scrum process.

Since its inception in 2007, ScrumDesk has helped over 40,000 companies and 200 universities to align their company objectives, manage project schedules, and enhance team productivity. Its integration with Slack facilitates agile project management even further, allowing teams to add and track backlog items directly from the chat interface. ScrumDesk offers a no-credit-card-required starter package for up to 4 users with no limitations, alongside a 30-day trial for additional licenses.

Top Features:
  1. Objectives & Key Results Management: Aligns the company and focuses teams on high-level objectives instead of merely completing tasks.

  2. Product Backlog & Roadmaps: Allows for multi-level, visually mapped user stories for managing schedules, roadmaps, and planning sprints and releases.

  3. Scrum & Kanban Project Management: Facilitates task tracking on Kanban boards with a compact tool for daily scrum, sprint plannings, and sprint reviews.

  4. Retrospectives & Root Cause Analysis: Provides the tools for Scrum Masters to conduct retrospectives and analyze problems with techniques like causal loops and the 5 whys.

  5. Management via Slack: Enables backlog item addition, commenting, status, and time tracking directly from Slack, promoting team flexibility.


1) What is ScrumDesk?

ScrumDesk is an online project management tool that supports Scrum and Kanban methodologies for agile teams.

2) What functionalities does ScrumDesk provide?

ScrumDesk offers functionalities like Objectives & Key Results (OKR) management, product backlogs, sprint planning, and retrospectives.

3) How long has ScrumDesk been in service?

Since 2007, ScrumDesk has been serving agile teams and now works with over 40,000 companies and 200 universities.

4) How does the pricing structure for ScrumDesk work?

You can start with ScrumDesk for free with up to 4 users and no limits, no credit card required. If more licenses are needed, a 30-day trial is available.

5) Does ScrumDesk integrate with Slack?

Yes, ScrumDesk integrates with Slack allowing for management of backlog items and tracks status directly from the chat platform.




Scrum Project Management
Agile Teams
Kanban Board
User Stories
Root Cause Analysis

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