Project Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management

FolioProjects offers a comprehensive project portfolio management (PPM) solution designed to enhance decision-making processes through intelligent automation, data analysis, and sophisticated AI tools. It aims to support project managers and business owners in effectively managing multiple projects by analyzing performance, optimizing asset lifecycles, and facilitating communication.

With features like real-time sentiment analysis, demand forecasts, and triggered notifications, it serves as an essential tool to showcase past projects as powerful testimonials. Users can book demonstrations, start using the platform today, and join the vibrant FolioProjects community on Discord.

Top Features:
  1. AI Project Management Assistant: An AI-powered assistant that aids in managing projects and provides insights.

  2. Automation Tools: Triggers and templates for efficient workflow management and stakeholder notifications.

  3. Planning & Forecasts: Data dashboards with forecasting capabilities for informed decision-making.

  4. Asset Life Cycle Management: Advanced tracking and optimization of enterprise assets.

  5. Sharing & Communication: Various options for sharing project updates and broadcasting portfolio performances.


1) What is a project portfolio on

A project portfolio is a collection of projects managed and monitored together to achieve strategic business objectives. On, users can create portfolios, add projects to them, and monitor overall project statuses through the HueFlux ranking system as well as share them if desired.

2) How does FolioProjects help measure the impact of projects and portfolios?

FolioProjects offers analytics to track the impact of your projects and portfolios by monitoring views, comments, and interactions like link clicks, empowering strategic decision-making.

3) What does Enterprise Asset Management involve on FolioProjects?

The platform provides the ability to track assets such as infrastructure and transportation within projects, allowing users to monitor performance over time and understand the impact on operations.

4) How does FolioProjects enhance stakeholder communication?

FolioProjects has several communication features, including the HueFlux system for gauging and enhancing stakeholder communication. Users can actively share HueFlux ratings to viewers via smart TVs or internet-connected devices.

5) What type of analytics does FolioProjects provide to track project performance?

The platform allows users to track visitors, clicks, and interactions with projects and portfolios to gain invaluable insights for making strategic decisions.




Project Portfolio Management
Enterprise Asset Management
Artificial Intelligence

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