

Experience a new level of efficiency with flowlist.io, the AI-based TODO and productivity web application designed to revolutionize your task management. At flowlist.io, we understand the importance of keeping your tasks not just organized but also engaging. That's why our advanced AI algorithms work tirelessly to keep your to-do lists fresh and interesting, ensuring you remain motivated and on track with your daily goals.

Whether you're looking to join our community or already a valued member, our intuitive interface makes it simple to toggle between light and dark modes for optimal comfort during use. With features like creating new projects or adding to existing ones, flowlist.io gives you the flexibility to manage your workload with ease.

And your feedback matters to us; our dedicated support team at support@flowlist.io is always ready to hear your insights. If you're enjoying the flowlist.io experience and wish to support our mission, consider making a donation. Dive into a new realm of productivity with flowlist.io, where your tasks become more than items on a list—they're stepping stones to success.

Top Features:
  1. AI Integration: Utilizes AI to enhance task relevance and engagement.

  2. Dark Mode Toggle: Offers a comfortable user experience with light and dark themes.

  3. Project Management: Allows users to create new projects or add tasks to existing ones.

  4. User Feedback Channel: Prioritizes user input through dedicated support.

  5. Donation Support: Provides an option to donate and support the platform.





Productivity App
Task Management
AI-Based Tool
User Feedback
Dark Mode
Web Application

Tech used:

Tailwind CSS


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