

Experience a transformative approach to bolstering mental health with FindYourTriggers, an innovative AI-powered journal designed to heighten self-awareness by identifying and processing emotional triggers. With an intuitive interface, this tool provides personalized journaling prompts, a mood tracker to discern emotional patterns, and insightful analytics to pinpoint recurring themes in your behavior. Join our live beta today and embark on a journey toward a more mindful and balanced life, armed with the knowledge to preemptively manage potential triggers and replace negative reactions with positive coping strategies.

Top Features:
  1. Interactive AI Journal: Uses AI to generate prompts based on user input, assisting in self-reflection and emotional processing.

  2. Mood Tracker: Monitors emotional trends to understand which days feel better and identifies shifts in mood.

  3. Insights: Delivers actionable analytics on triggers and emotions derived from journal entries, aiding in personal growth.

  4. Triggers Explanation: Educates on identifying emotional triggers and the importance of recognizing them to break negative behavioral cycles.

  5. Processing Plan: Guides users through a step-by-step process of assessing, planning, and implementing healthy coping strategies.


1) What is a trigger?

A trigger is a situation, event, or stimuli that provokes a strong emotional response such as anxiety, anger, sadness, or fear.

2) What is self awareness?

Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's character, feelings, motives, and desires. It's a fundamental factor in mental health.

3) What is journaling?

Journaling is the practice of writing down thoughts and experiences for self-reflection, emotional processing, or as a therapeutic outlet.

4) When will FindYourTriggers be released?

FindYourTriggers is currently available for users to join the live beta version.




AI-Powered Journal
Mental Health
Emotional Triggers
Mood Tracker

Tech used:

Headless UI


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