

CatchyCV is an innovative online platform designed for job seekers and recruiters, streamlining the process of creating, managing, and assessing resumes. With user-friendly features that leverage artificial intelligence, CatchyCV helps job seekers create elegant, AI-assessed resumes and supports recruiters in finding and evaluating potential candidates efficiently.

Job seekers can upload their existing resumes or create new ones, while recruiters can post job openings, search through non-private resumes, and use AI tools to review, summarize, and rate the CVs they track. Offering different plans for job seekers and recruiters, CatchyCV ensures a seamless experience without any hidden fees. All financial transactions are securely processed through Stripe, ensuring peace of mind for users.

Whether you're looking to land your dream job or seeking the perfect candidate for your organization, CatchyCV's robust features cater to all your employment needs.

Top Features:
  1. High-Quality Resumes: Create elegant resumes with AI assessments.

  2. Upload Existing Resumes: Easily upload and enhance existing resumes with AI assistance.

  3. AI Tools for Recruiters: Review, summarize, and rate candidate CVs using advanced AI technology.

  4. Job Search and Posting: Job seekers can search and apply for jobs, while recruiters can post job vacancies.

  5. Easy Account Creation: Simple and password-free account creation for job seekers and recruiters with email activation.


1) What does CatchyCV do?

CatchyCV is a platform where job seekers and recruiters meet. Job seekers can create/upload CVs for AI assessments and use them as public profiles. Recruiters can search CVs, track and get AI reviews, summaries, or ratings on them.

2) How can I create a CatchyCV account?

To create an account, select whether you're a job seeker or recruiter, enter your email, and submit. An account will be created for you, or you'll receive a login link if you already have an account. No password is required.

3) What plans are available for job seekers and recruiters?

Job seekers can choose from a Free plan or paid plans (Standard, Pro, and Premium) for more features. Recruiters can select from three paid plans (Standard, Pro, and Premium) with no free plan currently available.

4) Is my payment secure with CatchyCV?

Yes, all payments are secure. They are processed using Stripe, and CatchyCV does not store any payment or personal information other than the resume/CV-related information you provide.

5) Can I update or cancel my plan?

You can update or cancel your paid subscription anytime using the Stripe hosted billing portal, which is secure and separate from CatchyCV.





Job Seekers
AI-Assessed Resumes
Job Posting
Secure Payments

Tech used:



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