Formularizer vs GPT Excel

In the clash of Formularizer vs GPT Excel, which AI Excel tool emerges victorious? We assess reviews, pricing, alternatives, features, upvotes, and more.



What is Formularizer?

Formularizer is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to simplify and enhance the way you work with spreadsheets across various platforms, including Excel, Google Sheets, and Notion. With its ability to generate and explain complex formulas based on user instructions, it's built for efficiency and productivity. Ideal for students, data scientists, and professionals who frequently use spreadsheets, Formularizer reduces the time spent remembering and creating formulas. Offering support for Excel VBA and Google Apps Script, as well as regular expressions, it's a versatile tool that also emphasizes data privacy and security. With a user-friendly interface and high accuracy, Formularizer aims to make spreadsheet manipulation accessible and efficient for everyone.

GPT Excel

GPT Excel

What is GPT Excel?

GPT Excel is a powerful AI tool designed to enhance productivity and streamline spreadsheet processes for both individuals and businesses. With over 2.26 million formulas generated, GPT Excel offers a range of features to boost spreadsheet productivity. From generating and understanding complex formulas in Excel and Google Sheets to creating VBA scripts and SQL queries, GPT Excel empowers users to automate repetitive tasks and simplify data analysis. With support for 50+ languages and a user-friendly interface, GPT Excel revolutionizes the way users work with spreadsheets.

Formularizer Upvotes


GPT Excel Upvotes


Formularizer Top Features

  • Formula Generation: Generates and explains formulas for Excel Google Sheets and Notion based on user instructions.

  • Task Assistance: Provides step-by-step guidance such as changing cell color by typing simple commands.

  • Regular Expression Support: Creates and elucidates Regex patterns for advanced text manipulation and search.

  • Scripting Support: Supports code generation and explanation for Excel VBA and Google Apps Scripts to automate tasks.

  • User-friendly Interface: Features a simple and intuitive interface that assists in solving spreadsheet problems quickly.

GPT Excel Top Features

  • Excel Formula Generator AI: Boost your spreadsheet productivity by generating and understanding formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.

  • Script Generator AI: Streamline your workflow by effortlessly generating VBA scripts for Excel Apps Scripts for Google Workspace and Airtable scripts.

  • SQL Query Generator AI: Simplify the process of crafting and troubleshooting intricate SQL queries across various database systems.

  • Regex Generator AI: Generate and understand regular expression patterns for data validation and filtering.

  • Template Generator AI: Generate table templates for Excel and Google Sheets.

Formularizer Category


GPT Excel Category


Formularizer Pricing Type


GPT Excel Pricing Type


Formularizer Tags

Spreadsheet Assistant
Excel Formulas
Google Sheets
Formula Generation
VBA Script
Google Apps Script

GPT Excel Tags

Formula Generation
SQL Query Generation
VBA Script Generation
Regex Generation
Excel Tool

If you had to choose between Formularizer and GPT Excel, which one would you go for?

Let's take a closer look at Formularizer and GPT Excel, both of which are AI-driven excel tools, and see what sets them apart. The upvote count reveals a draw, with both tools earning the same number of upvotes. The power is in your hands! Cast your vote and have a say in deciding the winner.

Think we got it wrong? Cast your vote and show us who's boss!

By Rishit